
Get short videos and AI content for your brand!

Get short videos and AI content for your brand!

Get short videos and AI content for your brand!

Vidoser is the easiest way to get UGC short videos and great AI Content to boost your brand. Buy videos for your ecommerce, your social channels, your website: starting from €99

Vidoser is the easiest way to get UGC short videos and great AI Content to boost your brand. Buy videos for your ecommerce, your social channels, your website: starting from €99

Vidoser is the easiest way to get UGC short videos and great AI Content to boost your brand. Buy videos for your ecommerce, your social channels, your website: starting from €99

Videos made easy

Videos made easy

Videos made easy

Don't waste any more time using complex software or managing the production of your videos, at Vidoser we take care of everything for you in 3 simple steps.

Order your video

Order your video

Choose your goals: with our technology we make it easy for Community Creators to give you the right content, just as you imagined it.

Choose your goals: with our technology we make it easy for Community Creators to give you the right content, just as you imagined it.



Create your brief

Create your brief

Create your brief

Vidoser is your new creative assistant: provide a few details to generate a professional creative Brief that will guide our community's Creators in the best way.

Vidoser is your new creative assistant: provide a few details to generate a professional creative Brief that will guide our community's Creators in the best way.

Get your videos

Get your videos

Get your videos

Download the videos that the Creators have made for you, without any further complications.

Download the videos that the Creators have made for you, without any further complications.

Download the videos that the Creators have made for you, without any further complications.

Unleash the power of UGC!

Unleash the power of UGC!

Unleash the power of UGC!

Schedule an appointment with our team: we'll show you how Vidoser works and why it's worth trying

Schedule an appointment with our team: we'll show you how Vidoser works and why it's worth trying

Schedule an appointment with our team: we'll show you how Vidoser works and why it's worth trying

With Vidoser it's easier to communicate your business with tailor-made videos!

With Vidoser it's easier to communicate your business with tailor-made videos!

Start now: request your video from the Creator community

Start now: request your video from the Creator community

With Vidoser it's easier to communicate your business with tailor-made videos!

Start now: request your video from the Creator community

P.IVA: IT05538860874

Via Gustavo Vagliasindi 70

P.IVA: IT05538860874

Via Gustavo Vagliasindi 70

P.IVA: IT05538860874

Via Gustavo Vagliasindi 70